Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dugger/Dye residence

Welcome to the Dugger/Dye residence. Soon to be Dugger residence. This floormat was a gift from our realtor Denise Hepp. She is so nice. And she didn't even know I have this little obsession with D's. Since Danny and I's first and last names start with D's, I have gotten this little obsession. So, needless to say, this floormat is perfect!

We signed our life away today and closed on our home. On May 21st, 2009 at 2pm, we became homeowners for the first time. Danny is hanging blinds at the house, and I am loading up my car for more to move, so I will write more later.


  1. Congratulations!!

    I love that welcome mat, too! I'd love to know where she bought it.

  2. Woohoo! When's the housewarming party???
