Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We have a theif

I take back all the bad things I said about our neighbor that let her dogs pooh in our yard. She came by our house tonight. She had an envelope that was accidentally dropped off at her house. This was something important that Danny has been waiting on. And then she tells us that she had been out of town, but her parents have been staying at her house. Her parents wanted us to know that they saw some of the Beazer construction guys carrying buckets of water from our house to the house they are building (which is like 3 doors down). So then I begin to think...they have been building this house for a few weeks now. HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN DOING THIS?!!! We have outdoor furniture, plants, hoses, etc., it's obvious someone is living in this house, DUH! I was livid! I'm thinking, "what do I do?" Well, our realtor is our go-to person. So, of course, I call her. She thought she had heard it all...until she talked to me, haha. So, she told us 2 people to call. First, the Beazer construction guy that walked through our home with us. He said, he caught them carrying 8 5-GAL buckets today!!!! How many times have they done this?!! He told them that this was someones home, don't take their water. And he told us to keep an eye on our next water bill. I said, 8 5-Gal buckets is more water than we probably use a week! I might be exagerating but I don't know. And then Denise told us to call the Beazer lady who sold us our home. And she is going to contact corporate office and be in contact with that Beazer guy. UGH!! So aggrivating.

Well, that important envelope for Danny was test results for a big test he had to take for work. He got 94%. YAY. Congratulations to him! His boss got 96%.

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