Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break 2010...Continued

Ok, so this is what we really did Monday;

First thing this morning, they had a "morning mingle," with free breakfast. They don't normally have free breakfast so I had to show up for this. I was hoping I could get in and out of there without "mingling," since I am anti-social. And we succeeded. While we were there we signed up for the St. Augustine trolly tour. We paid $23 per person, which gave us unlimited access to the trolly for the rest of the week. This way, we do not have to pay for parking. It also got us into the museum for free, and gave us transporation to all the beaches in the area. Seemed like a pretty good deal. We took the full tour today, and learned alot about this city. It really is an interesting city, with lots of history. While on the tour, we saw a Hungry Howie's with a buffet for $4.99. So, that was our last stop. Funny story, I have only ate Hungry Howie's in Florida. There is one in Avon, and I still have never ate there. Last time I was in Florida, we went to Tampa, and I ate it there for the first time.

On our way back to the hotel from here, we stopped at the outlet mall. I forgot to pack a belt, and I guess I thought it was going to be alittle warmer here than what it is. So I was on the hunt for a belt, and a jacket or hoodie. Found a sweatshirt, but no belt. My pants are falling off, but atleast I'm warm.

I think were going to eat in for dinner, since we ate out for lunch. Oh, I forgot to tell you last night we went to the grocery store, Publix. I spent $40 and I don't think I got much. We might run to Wal-mart later to get a belt. Wal-mart is more in my price range.

I'm going to watch Danny cook dinner, so bye for now.


1 comment:

  1. oooh so sorry, we actually turned our air on in the car today. In the 80's! ;)
